Got word that Max The Mutt animation school out of Toronto still has openings in their 3D program starting this August. I spoke to Steve Sayer, an instructo in the program and formerly of the Arti Institute of Toronto. Steve had this to say:
This fall (actually late summer), we at Max the Mutt are running our 3D animation course, which teaches students how to use Maya software and apply their classical animation skills to 3D. Unfortunately the program is under-enrolled this year, and we have been looking around for more candidates.
Normally the program represents an optional fourth year for MtM students who have completed three years of classical art and animation training. Accordingly, any potential candidates must have a similar 3-year post-secondary animation education or equivalent industry experience.
The program is full-time, and starts–I believe–in late August. Students spend the year working with Maya, starting out with exercises and tutorials but quickly working towards developing both their own independent films as well as one collaborative group project. (Depending on the number of students that end up enrolling this year, this may be subject to change.) Instruction is by myself and Stephen Barnes, an extremely talented animator and instructor who has worked at a number of high-profile schools and studios, including Pixar. Details about the program can be found on the Max the Mutt website:
Interested parties can contact Lisa Mamers at for more details.
Good luck to potential 3D-ers.
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