The Commercial Animation program has two part-time teaching positions in design available for January 2012. These courses are delivered in our new, state-of-the-art, Nat and Flora Bosa Film and Animation Centre, opening January 2012 at our North Vancouver campus. Classes will be taught in a lab that has traditional animation desks *and* computers with 21” Cintiqs for both classical and digital production. Instructor’s workstation outputs to two HD projectors and a large flat screen.
ANIM 122, Animation Design II, 2 hours per week
To teach original character design, posing and line quality in the Animation Design II course to first year students. Applicants must have a minimum of five years experience in the animation industry and have strong character design/posing skills.
ANIM 126, Layout Design I, 2 hours per week
To teach perspective drawing and layout design procedures in the Layout Design I course. Applicants must have a minimum of five years experience in the animation industry, preferably in the area of layouts and/or storyboards.
These are auxiliary positions, beginning the week of January 9 and ending on the final week of April, 2012. Each class is two hours long. Class schedule may be adjusted to satisfy the new instructor’s current studio obligations although classes must be taught during the day between 8am and 6pm. It is possible for one qualified person to apply for both positions and teach the two classes on the same day.
Applicants should send a cover letter, resumé and a link to an online portfolio to:
The Commercial Animation diploma program (est. 1994) teaches students hand drawn skills in animation and animation design that lead to successful careers in the animation industry.
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