We heard a little rumour, and turns out it’s SUPER TRUE! Not only is Super Science Friends less than 3ooo bucks away from reaching their crowdfunding goal, but they just cast none other than Fearless Fred Kennedy to voice the young Albert Einstein in the show! So move over, Yahoo Serious, Fred Kennedy is Young Einstein!

“We knew we wanted to cast the majority of the characters locally, here in Toronto. Even though we’ve heard Fred on the radio for years, once we heard some of the performances he had done for Teletoon we knew he had the energy in his performance to be our version of Einstein.” says Brett Jubinville.
“Super Science Friends is mainly a cast of European characters, but our Einstein clone was grown in a lab in the US, so he’s one of the few North American sounding voices we’ll have. We look forward to working with him to develop the character further!”.
Fred is well know to Teletoon fans for his hosting duties of the adult block Fred at Night, and Torontonians know him from his morning show on 102.1 The Edge.
The campaign really took off this week. International support is high, and they’re closing in on their goal.
“We are so overwhelmed by the support! Not only do we have the backers to thank, but to literally thousands of people who have tweeted, shared on facebook, wrote articles, pushed and promoted the campaign. Its been unbelievable” says Morghan Fortier, Executive Producer.
To get a taste of what’s to come, you can tune into the Fearless Fred show with Fred & Mel on 102.1 The Edge, weekdays from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Support Super Science Friends here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2034721517/super-science-friends
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