Tomorrow is the big day, it’s Day o1 of the Ottawa International Animation Festival and The Animation Conference (TAC). AND, for the first time in a very loooong time, I’M NOT GOING TO BE THERE!
But don’t fret, Cartoon North will be valiantly represented by a few carefully selected ambassadors:

1) Brent Smith. This guy’s a fixture at events in Toronto, and an OIAF regular from way back. We’re going to get Brent to share his note-taking skills for a couple of the sessions, and let us at home know what we’re missing.

2) Mike Drach. That’s right OIAF, you get a replacement Mike. Only this one is way more charming than I am. Mike’s a development guy and an actual journalist. So hopefully he has something more substantial to share with us than I usually do.

3) Aisha Ghali. Aisha’s working on a documentary about Toronto animation in particular, so she’ll have a camera in hand and will be looking for chatty people to talk to. Don’t be scared. Cameras don’t bite.
Say hi to these wonderful people, take lots of pictures, and share them with us on twitter and instagram! Make me wish I’d gone. Seriously. I should be aching from all the amazing fun and cartoonery you guys are getting up to by noon tomorrow.
And there’s lots to do, here’s a few links to various previews and such.
Cartoon Brew highlights a few events here.
Artsfile.ca shared a festival write up here.
There’s all kinds of stuff out there. It’s a big awesome show, and I’m sorry to be missing it. I’ve only skipped 2, I think, since I started going in 1990.
We’ll try to share a few things here over the next few days. Have a great festival you guys!
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