Last updated on April 22, 2021

“What they are doing is propping up the job, and we have to be careful of that because you can be passionate about the craft,” Ferguson said. “That’s where your passion can go. That’s where if you want to pump something up — pump that up. Pump up the craft and the community and the people and their stories. Don’t pump up the job.”
Incredibly well said. Megan Ferguson, Assistant Director on the wonderful, award-winning, Canadian-made series, Hilda, said that.
And while we’re at it, let’s congratulate Megan on being named one of this year’s Rising Stars of Animation by Animation Magazine! Here’s a quote from that article, you ready?
“…how I react and act on a day to day basis can really trickle down. It costs nothing to be patient, address something more thoughtfully and not let a bad mood get in the way of how I communicate with my crew.“
Right? Don’t you wish every single director and supervisor gave this kind of consideration to their actions? I know I should have learned this lesson a LOT earlier.
Megan, if you read this, a truly heartfelt round of congratulations, and please keep doing what you do for your community. We need more like you.
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