Fellow humans! There’s so much going on right now! But make some room in your calendar for the Seneca 2D Animation Thesis Film Screening TOMORROW! It’s not like you have anywhere to go? Right??!!
Here’s the trailer for one of the films, Dracudate.
Here’s what they told me to tell you about the screening:
Cartoon Premiere Friday April 23rd at 7pm! Watch your favourite grads from the Seneca Animation program premiere their cartoons during our livestream, and then dive into the nuts and bolts of making cartoons during this ungodly pandemic. It’s a celebration people!!
Jump in and watch the cartoons Seneca College’s 2D Grads made during the weirdest year ever! Five films by 34 students, and they’re premiering live with Behind-the-scenes chats and clips from each of the teams. Dracudate, Long After Us, Half of the Way, Mutterseelenallein, and Vale. + all the directors, animators, background artists and some special treats. It’s a clubhouse sandwich of tasty treats! Live at www.seneca2d.com at 7pm on Friday.
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