Hey folks! The passage of time has occurred again! Somehow it still manages to surprise me.
But fleeting mortality also has some perks, and one of them is that you blinked and now it’s time for another edition of the Toronto Animation Arts Festival International. TAAFI for short.
I won’t be there this year, maybe a little virtual attendance, but sadly, I will be attending a more exec-oriented event that happens at the same time in a much warmer locale. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be there in spirit.
You know who will be there? Pam Rose. You should find Pam and give her a hug from me. Pam is the best. Kind of a Toronto animation celebrity. Trust me, she’s a gas.
Also, there’s a real Unicorn thing happening this year, and I LOVE unicorns. True fact. I used to draw them all the time. Go see Unicorn Wars or Unicorn Boy and tell me what you think. Are they Unicorny enough?
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