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Getting back to it

I’m having a hard time getting my head back to writing mode after the holidays, which would explain the lack of posts.  I’ve got a lot of catching up to do, and it the list is more than a little intimidating right now.  The job of running this site really is full time.  I’ve been trying to do it in my spare time, however, and the content is suffering for it.  For the most part, I’m able to post updates, links, stuff like that, but the meaty stuff: the long form posts, including editorial, interviews, even my 2009 in review, these things keep getting put off as I struggle to make ends meat.  For this, I apologize.  I’m going to try to use January to play catch up.

I have a lengthy interview with Craig Young and Chantal Ling that I conducted last spring that still needs to see the light of day.  The content is a bit dated now, but it’s still relevant, and should see print.

Also in this category is an interview I had with Athena Georgaklis from Teletoon on the subject of the Teletoon Detour Pilot Project.  The pilots have now all shown online, and I’ll be chasing the guys at Teletoon for follow up, but first I need to share the thoughts behind the project in the first place with you guys.

The 2009 review needs space too.  I did hear from a few of you, mostly to lament the lack of work.  But there were some big events in 2009, some that may not have caused headlines, but that will, in my opinion, lead to very big things.  Hopefully I can get to that before 2010 flashes past us.

I also owe some thank yous.  I put out a call for support a while back, and added a Pay Pal tab in the sidebar.  Two readers were good enough to put forth their support: Mark Douthwright and Jennifer Noseworthy.  Thanks so much to you both.  It really means a lot.  There are also contributors that need to be thanked.  I’ll do that one separately, because I don’t want to miss anyone.

And there are some small announcements.  Nothing huge, but I’m really pleased to share with you that contributors Mark Cappello and Rob Anderson have both pledged themselves as regulars for 2010.  I’m even setting them up as such on the site so that I don’t have to do their posting for them.  This is a really big deal for me, and a real pleasure.  Mark and Rob are two of the best in the business and I couldn’t be more proud to share their thoughts with you guys.  Rob will continue to post about production, his area of expertise, while Mark promises a variety of content, plus some updates on the Atlantic region.  Welcome aboard guys.

That’s it for now, I’ve got a kid to go pick up, but I’m doing my best to shake off this block.  2010 could be a very big year for our community, and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with you all.



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