NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: The Canadian animation industry is struggling. Diverse factors have come together to create far from favourable industry conditions, and as a result, we’re getting laid off en masse. After an unprecedented boom, things are tough, and we’ve got to do our part to look our for each other. During this time, Cartoon North is returning to its roots, and will be functioning as a means to share resources. We’re embedding fixed links on our homepage to as many free, reputable resources as we can find. Whether they can help connect someone to a job, some mental health assistance, new tools, or anything else of value, we’re going to do our best to provide any support possible. Hopefully, it helps.

Cartoon North was founded in 2008 as Canadian Animation Resources. The goal then, as it is now, is to bring together the Canadian Animation community in a positive and meaningful way, and to provide access to jobs, news and other resources.
Cartoon North is maintained by Mike Valiquette.

Mike is a director, producer, designer and development exec who has worked all over Canada, for studios in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, and the east coast. He’s won a few awards, worked with some pretty awesome people, and also teaches at Seneca in Toronto. Mike runs his own little boutique studio, GOLUCKY, and does his best to be an optimist in a world that makes that a lonely way to be.

BRENT SMITH contributes to Cartoon North in all kinds of ways, maintaining aspects of our social media and as an upbeat and genuinely helpful presence at industry events on our behalf.
Brent is an industry veteran, having worked predominantly at studios in the Toronto area, while maintaining TOONSMITH, his indie-facing production company where he works on music videos and provides animation and VFX services for short films and features. He’s a natural connector and collaborator who feels very fortunate to call the Canadian animation community his home.
Cartoon North runs a free to use job board for anyone in the Canadian Animation community. As long as you are posting for a paid position, we’re happy to help spread the word. We’ve always felt that it’s important for all members of our community to have access to talent, so whether you’re a big studio working on the latest hit show, a mid size shop working on a web series, or an independent animator looking for someone to help out on your latest film, as long as you’re paying a rate, we’ll post it.
We are committed to salary transparency, and now ask that all job posts follow a loose template that we’ve put together, including salary range. Here’s the template:
Job Title: 2D Animator, CG Character Animator, etc
Company Name: This one’s pretty straightforward
Location: City, province, remote, flexible
Salary Range: Mandatory
Position Status: Contract, Full-time, Part-time, Employee, etc.
Union Status: This is a thing now, we should probably be clear about it.
Benefits: If yes, please detail
Job Description:
Company Website, About:
To Apply: (including subject line)
Commitment to Barrier-Free Selection Process And Work Environment:
Possible Accommodations:
Application Deadline: Not mandatory, but appreciated.
Please submit your posts in .doc format, along with a company logo or other graphic, to mike@cartoonnorth.ca
For any other inquiries, including sponsorship or news releases, also contact mike@cartoonnorth.ca